Tuesday, March 2, 2010


For my next trick...

I wanted a Moroccan-inspired sofa for the gazebo. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be something that mini furniture manufacturers are scrambling over each other to make. If I wanted one, I was going to have to make it myself.

It took a couple of weeks to put together, mainly because I had NO idea what I was doing. No idea whatsoever. It was two weeks of trial and (lots of) error, blood (I really sure be more careful with those X-Acto knives), sweat, tears and swearing. The result isn't the most professional-looking thing ever, but I'm pretty proud of it anyway. Here it is:

If you're feeling masochistic and would like to try it for yourself, here is what this thing is made of:

  • 4 pre-cut basswood rectangles
  • 4 pre-fab wooden turnings (for feet)
  • 1 length of miniature resin molding
  • brown acrylic paint
  • black acrylic paint
  • antiquing medium
  • craft foam
  • poly-fill
  • Pier 1 napkin
  • burgundy and green fabric scraps
  • gold fringe trim
  • sewing thread
  • gold thread
Next up... a Moroccan-style tray table.


RebeccaH said...

The sofa is maaahvelous!!

nnmlknw said...

I love it. It looks great.